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Kingdom Of The Thousand Towers - Volume 1

Kingdom Of The Thousand Towers - Volume 1

Autore: Daniele Lippi
Codice Prodotto: 7243
Disponibilità: Disponibile
E-BOOK - ISBN: 9788835461883

First book in the saga of the Kingdom of a Thousand Towers, which continues with The Rebel Magicians. A bizarre group of adventurers come across yet another treasure map. They decide, of course, to follow it expecting anything and everything. However, it is stolen from them and the hunt for the thief is on. It is during this hunt that they learn details about the map that convince them that maybe this time it is the right time for a treasure map not to be fake. What ensues is a frantic search for clues and a no-holds-barred struggle that will eventually lead our adventurers down dangerous and unknown paths. Paths that will lead them to face challenges, puzzles, people and situations where the weapons to be used will not only be strength and magic but also wit, intelligence and courage. But this is what adventurers do for a living, and this time around, they will need all the experience they possess not to be overwhelmed by enemies and events.

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Formati libro
Formati epub, mobi (Kindle)
Lingua libro
Lingua Inglese
Parole libro
N. parole 75600
Traduttore Alessandra Cervetti

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