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Vestavia Hills

Vestavia Hills

Autore: Christian Perego
Codice Prodotto: 2287
Disponibilità: Disponibile
E-BOOK - ISBN: 9788835409328

Robert Red is an aspiring writer. Cynical and disillusioned with life, he lives in Vestavia Hills, a small town in Alabama. Robert is writing the novel that will consecrate him to fame and we can imagine his shock when leafing through the novel of an unknown author, Imogen Fry, he discovers that the pages are identical to his. However, at the same time, what role has the character of the Protestant pastor Johnathan Abblepot, who lived 150 years before in Vestavia Hills? And Elisabeth, his wife? And won`t the mystery that unfolds in the town and in the woods that surround it be too much for the young detective Abbot? Perhaps, in one way or another, only Imogen Fry will be able to provide an answer.

Fascia età lettore
Fascia età Più di 18 anni
Formati libro
Formati epub, mobi (Kindle)
Lingua libro
Lingua Inglese
Parole libro
N. parole 97426

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