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Dragonfly Vs Monarch-Book One

Dragonfly Vs Monarch-Book One

Autore: Charley Brindley
Codice Prodotto: 2450
Disponibilità: Disponibile
E-BOOK - ISBN: 9788835411093

Autumn Willow is a grad student at MIT. In her spare time, she co-pilots her grandfather’s B-17, a restored WWII bomber. Sasha Brezhnev is a pilot for the Russian Air Force flying the SU-57 fighter jet.

Autumn Willow is a grad student at MIT. In her spare time, she co-pilots her grandfather’s B-17, a restored WWII bomber. Sasha Brezhnev is a pilot for the Russian Air Force flying the SU-57 fighter jet. She’s assigned seek-and-destroy missions over the Safandel Desert in central Anddor Shallau, where terrorists are covertly working to destroy the country’s democratic government. Rigger Entime is an engineer working on a CIA project to develop a tiny drone aircraft to be used in surveillance and possibly carry out assassinations of terrorist leaders.

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Formati epub, mobi (Kindle)
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Lingua Inglese
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N. parole 38704

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