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Decorating Your Home-A Guide To Showing Off Your Abode At Its Best...

Decorating Your Home-A Guide To Showing Off Your Abode At Its Best...

Autore: Owen Jones
Codice Prodotto: 8395
Disponibilità: Disponibile

AUDIOBOOK - ISBN: 9788835464204

Welcome to the enchanting world of home decorating! In this beginner`s guide, we will embark on a delightful journey to help you transform your living spaces into personalised havens that reflect your unique style and personality. Decorating Your Home is designed to inspire and equip you with the fundamental knowledge and practical tips to make your home truly your own. Whether you`re starting from scratch in a new space or looking to refresh your current one, we`ve got you covered.

Welcome to the enchanting world of home decorating! In this beginner`s guide, we will embark on a delightful journey to help you transform your living spaces into personalised havens that reflect your unique style and personality. Decorating Your Home is designed to inspire and equip you with the fundamental knowledge and practical tips to make your home truly your own. Whether you`re starting from scratch in a new space or looking to refresh your current one, we`ve got you covered. Throughout these pages, we will explore the art of choosing colours that set the mood and create harmonious atmospheres. Discover the magic of arranging furniture and selecting the perfect pieces that maximize both comfort and functionality. You`ll learn the secrets of layering textures, playing with patterns, and incorporating eye-catching accents to add depth and character to your rooms. No detail will be overlooked as we delve into lighting, wall art, and the transformative power of plants. Our aim is to make the decorating process enjoyable and stress-free, providing you with the confidence to experiment and let your creativity flourish. Let`s embark on this exciting adventure together as we unlock the potential of your home and turn it into a sanctuary that truly resonates with your soul. Get ready to discover the joy of decorating!

Durata audiolibri
Durata 01:23:52
Fascia età lettore
Fascia età Qualsiasi età
Formati libro
Formati Audiobook - M4B
Lingua libro
Lingua Inglese
Parole libro
N. parole 12000

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