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Foraging For Beginners-A Practical Guide To Foraging For Survival In The Wild

Foraging For Beginners-A Practical Guide To Foraging For Survival In The Wild

Autore: Oje Ebhota
Codice Prodotto: 3318
Disponibilità: Disponibile

AUDIOBOOK - ISBN: 9788835421566

So, in this book, you will learn: • How foraging came to be • Benefits of foraging and why you should also be doing it • Hazards of foraging so that you do not harm yourself or your loved ones • Safety precautions to take so that you know what you are getting into • Warning signs of poisonous plants so you know what not to eat • And much more!

If you are someone who wants to learn about Foraging in the Wild and don’t know where to start, or in need of a new adventure while trying to identify edible plants suitable for consumption and not run the risk of consuming poisonous plants, then this Foraging for Beginners is the book for you. With more and more people removed far away from nature, there are some of us who have not forgotten the thrill of foraging for local native plants in the backyard. This book is designed to try to also get you interested in foraging. The forager`s lifestyle is not an easy one, but it`s immensely profitable. No one`s going to ship the wild food to your doorstep but going out and getting these foods yourself can have many benefits. So, in this book, you will learn: • How foraging came to be • Benefits of foraging and why you should also be doing it • Hazards of foraging so that you do not harm yourself or your loved ones • Safety precautions to take so that you know what you are getting into • Warning signs of poisonous plants so you know what not to eat • And much more! This book will get you started in little or no time. So, click the Buy Now button to get yours now

Durata audiolibri
Durata 01:33:25
Fascia età lettore
Fascia età Qualsiasi età
Formati libro
Formati Audiolibro - M4B
Lingua libro
Lingua Inglese
Narratore IAN A MILLER
Parole libro
N. parole 12850

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