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Relaxation-To Understand Oneself

Relaxation-To Understand Oneself

Autore: Andrzej Stanislaw Budzinski
Codice Prodotto: 160
Disponibilità: Disponibile
E-BOOK - ISBN: 9788873040613

When we begin to reflect, we discover that we have so many, I would say so very many things to change - so many that we don’t know where to start. Well? Too much confusion! Calm down. Calm down! One thing at a time! Without hurrying! With patience, you can obtain everything!

When we begin to reflect, we discover that we have so many, I would say so very many things to change - so many that we don’t know where to start. Well? Too much confusion! Calm down. Calm down! One thing at a time! Without hurrying! With patience, you can obtain everything! Today, unfortunately, we lack patience. We all want everything immediately and, even better, for the day before yesterday. Do you know this saying? Patience is the virtue of the strong! Observing life today, we ourselves and what is happening around us, we realise, with sadness, that the strong are lacking, that is - THE PATIENT PEOPLE. We want to become strong. Well? Thinking logically, we must become patient. Either we do things well or it is better not to do them at all.

Fascia età lettore
Fascia età Più di 18 anni
Formati libro
Formati epub, mobi (Kindle)
Lingua libro
Lingua Inglese
Parole libro
N. parole 15764
Traduttore MARTYN FOGG

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