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A Light In The Heart Of Darkness-The Guardian Heart Crystal Book 4

A Light In The Heart Of Darkness-The Guardian Heart Crystal Book 4

Autore: Amy Blankenship
Codice Prodotto: 232
Disponibilità: Disponibile
E-BOOK - ISBN: 9788873041931

To Kyoko, mythical creatures are something you rent and watch on a Saturday night with your friends. When a mysterious stalker turns the shadows around her into dark corners with sharp deadly edges, will she be able to hide from the past? Darkness has fallen upon the world again and the guardians have been awaiting the resurrection. Though they are thought to be creatures of myth, in this reality they are far more real than people think. Only when the moon is high will these creatures, these guardians, battle the evil that seeks to overtake the world and the girl who holds ultimate power… the light in the heart of darkness.

Fascia età lettore
Fascia età Più di 18 anni
Formati libro
Formati epub, mobi (Kindle)
Lingua libro
Lingua Inglese
Parole libro
N. parole 135756
Traduttore Amy Blankenship

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