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The Lost Twin

The Lost Twin

Autore: Federico Betti
Codice Prodotto: 1971
Disponibilità: Disponibile
E-BOOK - ISBN: 9788835404996

Inspector Zamagni begins to investigate in order to find out who had committed the crimes related to Atropos Association and the other occurrences related to the murderer called Daniele Santopietro, meanwhile one of the neighbors ask a favor from him: to go to her nephew’s house, who has been found dead recently, in attempt to realize what had happened in fact. In order to come to the resolution of such enigma, the inspector Zamagni has to go back in time, also by reading the personal diaries of the boy, and manages to find out something unimaginable, in a thriller full of psychological aspects that will keep the reader breathless till the last page.

Inspector Zamagni begins to investigate in order to find out who had committed the crimes related to Atropos Association and the other occurrences related to the murderer called Daniele Santopietro, meanwhile one of the neighbors ask a favor from him: to go to her nephew’s house, who has been found dead recently, in attempt to realize what had happened in fact. Therefore, the inspector interrupts his investigations in order to fulfill the demand her friend made to him. Initially, the first impression was that the hemiplegic boy has been dead because of a dispute with a stranger, but very soon the investigations come to a vicious point. What is the cause of his death? In order to come to the resolution of such enigma, the inspector Zamagni has to go back in time, also by reading the personal diaries of the boy, and manages to find out something unimaginable, in a thriller full of psychological aspects that will keep the reader breathless till the last page.

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Formati epub, mobi (Kindle)
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Lingua Inglese
Parole libro
N. parole 50555

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