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Meri-Loquizing In An Illusionteque-I Suffer From A Complex Of Interiority - Collection Of Entertaining Illusions

Meri-Loquizing In An Illusionteque-I Suffer From A Complex Of Interiority - Collection Of Entertaining Illusions

Autore: Meri Nigro
Codice Prodotto: 134
Disponibilità: Disponibile
E-BOOK - ISBN: 9788873040262

A series of seemingly unrelated sensations, connected by a thread fluctuating between prose and poetry. ”Meri-loquizing in a toyteque” is a collection of pictures taken with the pen: a little trip into the complexity of the simplest feelings.

In this work, the author wants to emphasize a series of sensations seemingly unrelated, connected by a thread oscillating between prose and poetry. ”Meri-loquizing in a toyteque” is a collection of pictures taken with the pen. Right from the title it is clear the presence of a number of puns attempting to explain the complexity of the simplest feelings. The Toyteque is an imaginary place where you entertain illusions with thought games. ”Poems” and ”Meriloquies” alternate in this place to breathe life into a little trip ending with a story in which is revealed (who knows? To the reader the freedom to decide) perhaps the main character of each of those pictures.

Fascia età lettore
Fascia età Più di 18 anni
Formati libro
Formati epub, mobi (Kindle)
Lingua libro
Lingua Inglese
Parole libro
N. parole 4369

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