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Under Pressure

Under Pressure

Autore: A. C. Meyer
Codice Prodotto: 3845
Disponibilità: Disponibile
E-BOOK - ISBN: 9788835423218

A romance that will make you laugh, cry, fall in love and believe that true love overcomes everything. Specially evil.

The passage from the girlhood to the adulthood is a milestone for every young person... and it wouldn`t be different to Amanda Summers, a shy, inexperienced, full of fears and insecurities that came from the age itself, as well as from her past. Like most of the girls in this phase, her feelings are intense and her head is crowded of doubts, fears and dreams. In Under Pressure, we will follow Mandy`s growth journey: her entry into the adult life, the discovery of first the first love, the friendships and the transition from girl to woman. It was supposed to be the most incredible moment of her life... She just couldn`t imagine that it would be followed by the terror of the physical and psycological bullying. From the ”After Dark” series and ”The girls” author, a romance that will make you laugh, cry, fall in love and believe that true love overcomes everything. Specially evil.

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Formati libro
Formati epub, mobi (Kindle)
Lingua libro
Lingua Inglese
Parole libro
N. parole 60000
Traduttore Fernanda Viana

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