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The Ball-The Novel

The Ball-The Novel

Autore: Erik Pethersen
Codice Prodotto: 4764
Disponibilità: Disponibile
E-BOOK - ISBN: 9788835434016

It is the story of a woman and a man, whose existences cross and intertwine: a chance encounter overturns the lives of the two protagonists, catapulting them into new worlds, in search of what perhaps they never had.

An introspective novel, at times claustrophobic, interrupted, for rapid and impromptu moments, by amazing glimpses of light. A tortuous and ironic journey into the middle generation, suspended between the X and the Y. The life of a boy, perhaps a man, intersects with that of a girl, perhaps a woman. The intertwining of the two`s lives spreads in a deep dive into the insecurities and impulses of an indefinable and undefined generation, in search of answers that nothing and nobody seems able to provide. Perhaps the real answer is just a simple dream, to be treasured in your privacy and to be shared with someone special. Or maybe not, because a real answer doesn`t exist.

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Formati libro
Formati epub, mobi (Kindle)
Lingua libro
Lingua Inglese
Parole libro
N. parole 151987

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