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The True Face Of Destiny-Volume 1

The True Face Of Destiny-Volume 1

Autore: Isabelle B. Tremblay
Codice Prodotto: 5263
Disponibilità: Disponibile
E-BOOK - ISBN: 9788835439318

Cassandra learns that she is now the new Destiny. She must fight Vitus, demons from another world who, have been feeding for centuries on the vital energy of humans to ensure their existence. When her best friend disappears, she realizes all the horror that awaits her. Cassandra must fight, kill and above all, survive.

An urban fantasy saga that brings together action and humour. Forced to master her new powers in record time, the chances of survival in this mission are slim, but they are even more so when the chosen one in question has not been adequately adorned. Cassandra was not prepared for this life and struggles. She benefits from the presence of John Travis, who is responsible for guiding and training her, but above all for supporting her during this mission. CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT YOU HAD TO PAY FOR YOUR PARENTS` FAULT WITH YOUR OWN LIFE?

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Formati epub, mobi (Kindle)
Lingua libro
Lingua Inglese
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N. parole 79868

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