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50 Ways To Make Him Fear Losing You

50 Ways To Make Him Fear Losing You

Autore: Celine Claire
Codice Prodotto: 5401
Disponibilità: Disponibile
E-BOOK - ISBN: 9788835440574

Does the change in his mood coincide with a stressful week at home, work, or school? Has your man been acting strange for weeks or months? When he ignores you, it may not be a reflection of his feelings for you, but his emotional reaction to a stressful or annoying circumstance.

Reflect on your feelings Ask yourself why you want to ignore your man. Are you engaged in a fight? Is he reluctant to communicate with you? Consider why his actions or lack of actions are annoying you. Are you the only party investing more effort in your relationship? Remember, as a human being with free will, you are free to feel hurt, angry, upset, or neglected.

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Formati libro
Formati epub, mobi (Kindle)
Lingua libro
Lingua Inglese
Parole libro
N. parole 1168
Traduttore Celine Claire

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