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Under The Ocean-Original

Under The Ocean-Original

Autore: Ian J King
Codice Prodotto: 6369
Disponibilità: Disponibile

AUDIOBOOK - ISBN: 9788835450108

One night a violent storm blows into Stingray Bay, while three siblings try to break the holiday boredom in their parents caravan. Suddenly, they are hurled into the ocean from the cliffs and find themselves thrust into a sub–sea expedition with unexpected twists and turns everywhere. Soon, they are struggling against the clock in a dangerous journey that will take their breath away! (hr)An endless abyss seeks to crush them, deep–sea monsters try to consume them and others that have found themselves transported into this watery grave. Will a daring rescue plan hatched by General Sabaoth, the ruler of this watery domain be able to save them? Will the kids even survive a single night? What lessons will they learn on this treacherous journey? (hr)It is up to the children to make the tough decisions and to risk everything for a stranger they neither know – nor trust. What will become of these visitors in the haunted realms of the deep?

Durata audiolibri
Durata 03:30:23
Fascia età lettore
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Formati libro
Formati Audiolibro - M4B
Lingua libro
Lingua Inglese
Parole libro
N. parole 27880

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