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The Heir Of Sargas

The Heir Of Sargas

Autore: Mariangela Pedone
Codice Prodotto: 6439
Disponibilità: Disponibile
E-BOOK - ISBN: 9788835450979

The Heir of Sargas is a fantasy story centered on the dream-reality combination. Death is when we see awake/dream, when we see while sleeping. This is the sentence with which the book that Willy finds by chance in his room opens. So many strange things happened that night, first the ghosts in the cemetery and now that mysterious book that appeared out of nowhere. Yet until that night Willy considered himself a normal 12-year-old boy like many others. What had happened? Maybe then it`s true that supernatural things can happen on Halloween night... The book Willy found tells of a distant kingdom, populated by wizards and fantastic creatures. Passionate about the story, Willy will delve deeper and deeper into reading, unaware that that book will change his life forever...

Death is when we see awake/dream, when we see while sleeping. This is the sentence with which the book that Willy finds by chance in his room opens. So many strange things happened that night, first the ghosts in the cemetery and now that mysterious book that appeared out of nowhere. Yet until that night Willy considered himself a normal 12-year-old boy like many others. What had happened? Maybe then it`s true that supernatural things can happen on Halloween night... The book Willy found tells of a distant kingdom, populated by wizards and fantastic creatures. Passionate about the story, Willy will delve deeper and deeper into reading, unaware that that book will change his life forever...

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