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Codice Prodotto: 6583
Disponibilità: Disponibile
E-BOOK - ISBN: 9788835452416

Summer 2022. Zoe, twenty-three years old, who is suffering from depression due to her mother`s illness, decides to take a healing vacation in Canada with her boyfriend Matteo, thirty years old. During the welcome party at her great-uncle’s home in Ottawa where they are guests, Matteo finds a dead body. The local police consider Zoe and Matteo as suspects. Matteo asks his brothers in Italy for help to prove his innocence. One of the brothers, Alex, a Carabiniere, with the help of his colleague and girlfriend Federica, realizes that the corpse belongs to a certain Merlonghi, a criminal they had been looking for for years as part of the investigations related to the murder of the jeweler Cosilli. A crescendo of emotions and suspense.

Summer 2022. Zoe, twenty-three years old, who is suffering from depression due to her mother`s illness, decides to take a healing vacation in Canada with her boyfriend Matteo, thirty years old. During the welcome party at her great-uncle’s home in Ottawa where they are guests, Matteo finds a dead body. The local police consider Zoe and Matteo as suspects. Matteo asks his brothers in Italy for help to prove his innocence. One of the brothers, Alex, a Carabiniere, with the help of his colleague and girlfriend Federica, realizes that the corpse belongs to a certain Merlonghi, a criminal they had been looking for for years as part of the investigations related to the murder of the jeweler Cosilli. A crescendo of emotions and suspense.

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Formati epub, mobi (Kindle)
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Lingua Inglese
Parole libro
N. parole 58215

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