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Cinderella Of Blood

Cinderella Of Blood

Autore: Elisa Ester Zurzolo
Codice Prodotto: 8415
Disponibilità: Disponibile

How can April save herself from the thirst for blood and revenge of the Prince, without endangering the delicate balance that holds the peace between the various races? How can Vane take revenge on the one who dared to challenge and lie to him, without succumbing to the hypnotic scent of her blood?

After centuries of fighting, finally peace between vampires and the Order of the Blood Cross seems solid under the guidance of Zachary Macross. However, there are still some factions that are not very inclined to accept the conditions imposed by the Order. Among these is the noble caste of vampires, ruled by Prince Vane Vampire. April, the future heir of the Macross Company, is only a human like her father, but determined to do anything to maintain peace between hunters, werewolves, and vampires. Unfortunately, however, her humanity makes her an easy target for these supernatural creatures and when she decides to sneak into a masked ball of the Prince, thanks to a spell that will conceal her nature, things will drastically precipitate at midnight. How can April save herself from the thirst for blood and revenge of the Prince, without endangering the delicate balance that holds the peace between the various races? How can Vane take revenge on the one who dared to challenge and lie to him, without succumbing to the hypnotic scent of her blood?

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Formati epub, mobi (Kindle)
Lingua libro
Lingua Inglese
Parole libro
N. parole 40955
Traduttore Simona Casaccia

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