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Jessica Ek-The Graduates' Killer

Jessica Ek-The Graduates' Killer

Autore: Giovanni Haas
Codice Prodotto: 6875
Disponibilità: Disponibile
E-BOOK - ISBN: 9788835456001

The Undergraduates’ Killer is a supernatural thriller. The main themes of the story are family, special inheritances, the courage to change things that seem unchangeable, and the tricks of fate. An adventure novel for all ages that will take the reader on an investigation conducted by the three main characters by nontraditional means, hunting for an elusive and brilliant serial killer.

The novel The Undergraduates’ Killer is a supernatural thriller. The main themes of the story are family, special inheritances, the courage to change things that seem unchangeable, and the tricks of fate. An adventure novel for all ages that will take the reader on an investigation conducted by the three protagonists by nontraditional means, hunting for an elusive and brilliant serial killer. Jessica EK Jessica is a girl who grew up in a Zurich institution for ”special” people and is searching for her brothers, from whom she was separated at birth and whom she has never met. What makes Jessica special is her ability to read the thoughts of those around her. During her search, she will find herself involved in the investigation of the kidnapping of Francesca, who vanished into thin air, as happened to two other girls shortly after receiving their degrees. To the investigators, her help will be crucial in interrupting a series of murders of young female graduates.

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Formati libro
Formati epub, mobi (Kindle)
Lingua libro
Lingua Inglese
Parole libro
N. parole 68000
Traduttore Maria Burnett

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