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Fighting For Freedom-A Story At The Time Of The Roman Empire

Fighting For Freedom-A Story At The Time Of The Roman Empire

Autore: Effe Pi
Codice Prodotto: 7192
Disponibilità: Disponibile
E-BOOK - ISBN: 9788835460695

We are at the beginning of what will be called the second century after Christ, and the Roman Empire is at the apex of its splendour. In this world, of which today only the ruins remain, two young men experience the glory and injustices of their time with the invincible spirit of the righteous. Marcus is a patrician, Nicarco is a gladiator born into slavery, and together they will face the arena, the deceits, and their rising love.

We are at the beginning of what will be called the second century after Christ, and the Roman Empire is at the apex of its splendour. In this world, of which today only the ruins remain, two young men experience the glory and injustices of their time with the invincible spirit of the righteous. Marcus is a patrician, Nicarco is a gladiator born into slavery, and together they will face the arena, the deceits, and their rising love.

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Formati libro
Formati epub, mobi (Kindle)
Lingua libro
Lingua Inglese
Parole libro
N. parole 42300
Traduttore Silvia Altera

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